The Biblical Hermeneutics Podcast
The Biblical Hermeneutics Podcast is a weekly podcast which strives to help anyone interested better utilize the Biblical interpretive method leading to the Biblical worldview.
26 episodes
025. Biblical Hermeneutics and Theological Method with Dr. Paul Weaver
Dr. Paul Weaver, host of the Bible and Theology Matters Podcast, joins me this week to discuss theological method and it's relation with Biblical hermeneutics. Thank you for joining!
Episode 25

024. Biblical Hermeneutics Applied: Identify Lexical Keys
Step number 5 of the exegetical process is to identify and define lexical keys, or key words in the passage of study. Is it as simple as looking up a definition in the dictionary? I'm afraid not! Enjoy!
Episode 24

023. Biblical Hermeneutics Applied: Identify Grammatical and Syntactical Keys
Thank you for joining! Step four of the interpretive method is to identify grammatical and syntactical keys. How to words relate to each other? Trust me, it's a worthy venture!
Episode 23

022. Biblical Hermeneutics Applied: Identify Structural Keys
What is the author's flow of thought/argument within his writing? Identifying the structural keys allow for the identification of authors argument, allowing for a proper understanding of the passage. Thanks for joining!
Episode 22

021. Biblical Hermeneutics Applied: Identify Historical and Cultural Background
The next step of the interpretive method is to identify the historical and cultural background of the book being studied as well as the specific passage being studied. In this episode, your host, John Oglesby, takes time to explore why and how ...
Episode 21

020. Biblical Hermeneutics Applied: Verify Text and Translation
What's the next step of the exegetical process? Verify Text and Translation! Thanks for joining!
Episode 20

019. Tools and Recommended Readings for Biblical Hermeneutics
What categories of interpretive tools exist to aid in the interpretation of the Scriptures? Your host, John Oglesby, goes over these tools and also gives an example of the first step of the exegetical process - reading the entire book of study ...
Episode 19

018. Biblical Hermeneutics Applied: An Overview of the Process
How do we apply Biblical hermeneutics? What are the basic exegetical steps? In this episode, John Oglesby provides a basic overview of the exegetical process, beginning a multipart series on Biblical Hermeneutics applied! Thank you for joining!...

017. Illumination and Biblical Hermeneutics
What is the doctrine of illumination and how far can we take it whenever approaching understanding the Scriptures? In this episode, we explore the doctrine of illumination as it relates to Biblical Hermeneutics! Thanks for joining!
Episode 17

016. Biblical Objectivity and Biblical Hermeneutics
How to we approach the Scriptures? Can we be objective in reality? Has revelatory gifts ceased or do they continue? We explore these questions in this week's episode! Thanks for joining!
Episode 16

015. Progressive Revelation and Biblical Hermeneutics with Christian Twombly
This week, Christian Twombly joins us to discuss the topic of Progressive Revelation–such a simple concept with some pretty extensive implications! Thank you for joining us!
Episode 15

014. Basic Principles of Biblical Hermeneutics
In this episode, John Oglesby reviews five basic principles of Biblical hermeneutics. Thanks for joining!
Episode 14

013. The Literal Grammatical Historical Hermeneutic
In this episode, the host, John Oglesby, provides an overview and brief defense of the Literal Grammatical Historical hermeneutic–a hermeneutic model which he believes to be Biblical. Thank you for joining!
Episode 13

012. Presuppositions and Biblical Hermeneutics with Dr. Christopher Cone
What are presuppositions and what place do they have in our interpretive methodology? Join me as I talk with Dr. Christopher Cone about his work and understanding of Presuppositions within hermeneutics.
Episode 12

011. External Data and The Scriptures
Is external data necessary for understanding the Scriptures? Find out in this week's episode! Thanks for joining!
Episode 11

010. Biblical Hermeneutics and Single Meaning
In this episode of The Biblical Hermeneutics Podcast, we explore the principle of Single Meaning. We take a brief look at what the principle is, some challenges to the principle, and the difference between meaning and application. Thank you for...
Episode 10

009. The Inerrancy of Scripture and Biblical Hermeneutics with Jonathan Lough
Jonathan Lough joins us this week to discuss the relationship between the doctrine of the inerrancy of Scripture and Biblical Hermeneutics. Mr. Lough serves as an assistant professor of theology and apologetics at Word of Life Bible Institute i...

008. Internal Model for Biblical Hermeneutics
Join us as we explore the books of Genesis and Revelation to try and establish an internal model for Biblical Hermeneutics. Is there a deeper meaning meant by the words used in the Bible? Should they be understood normatively?
Episode 8

007. Biblical Hermeneutics and the Sufficiency of Scripture
Are the Scriptures sufficient? How does it relate to Biblical hermeneutics? We want to answer these questions, and more, in this episode of The Biblical Hermeneutics Podcast.
Episode 7

006. The Goal of Biblical Hermeneutics
What is the goal of Biblical Hermeneutics? Even more broadly, what's the goal of interpretation? Who gets to determine meaning in the communication? All this is covered in this week's episode of The Biblical Hermeneutics Podcast. Thanks!
Episode 6

005. Biblical Hermeneutics and the Original Languages with Dr. Dan Starcevich
As an issue of Biblical hermeneutics, should we strive to be proficient in Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek; the languages the Bible was originally written in? Dr. Dan Starcevich, associate pastor of Valley Forth Church, associate professor of transf...
Episode 5

004. Why Biblical Hermeneutics with Dr. Christopher Cone
In this episode, Dr. Christopher Cone joins us to conclude the multipart series on "Why Biblical Hermeneutics." We explore Biblical hermeneutics place in worldview, importance to those who may disagree with Biblicism, and how one might approach...
Episode 4

003. Why Biblical Hermeneutics with Dr. Paul Miles
Dr. Paul Miles joins the show to discuss the topic, "Why Biblical Hermeneutics?" This is the second part of a multi-part series on the topic. Dr. Miles is an incredible brother in Christ and scholar within the discussion. Thank you!
Episode 3

002. Why Biblical Hermeneutics?
Now that we've established what is meant by Biblical hermeneutics, we have to ask the question why Biblical hermeneutics? Why should you spend time learning about hermeneutics? Now, why Biblical hermeneutics? In this episode, we explor...
Episode 2

001. What is Biblical Hermeneutics?
What exactly is Biblical hermeneutics? In this episode of The Biblical Hermeneutics Podcast, your host, John Oglesby, defines terms related to Biblical hermeneutics including hermeneutics, exegesis, eisegesis, and Biblical Hermeneutics. He also...
Episode 1