The Biblical Hermeneutics Podcast
The Biblical Hermeneutics Podcast is a weekly podcast which strives to help anyone interested better utilize the Biblical interpretive method leading to the Biblical worldview.
Podcasting since 2023 • 26 episodes
The Biblical Hermeneutics Podcast
Latest Episodes
025. Biblical Hermeneutics and Theological Method with Dr. Paul Weaver
Dr. Paul Weaver, host of the Bible and Theology Matters Podcast, joins me this week to discuss theological method and it's relation with Biblical hermeneutics. Thank you for joining!
Episode 25
024. Biblical Hermeneutics Applied: Identify Lexical Keys
Step number 5 of the exegetical process is to identify and define lexical keys, or key words in the passage of study. Is it as simple as looking up a definition in the dictionary? I'm afraid not! Enjoy!
Episode 24
023. Biblical Hermeneutics Applied: Identify Grammatical and Syntactical Keys
Thank you for joining! Step four of the interpretive method is to identify grammatical and syntactical keys. How to words relate to each other? Trust me, it's a worthy venture!
Episode 23
022. Biblical Hermeneutics Applied: Identify Structural Keys
What is the author's flow of thought/argument within his writing? Identifying the structural keys allow for the identification of authors argument, allowing for a proper understanding of the passage. Thanks for joining!
Episode 22
021. Biblical Hermeneutics Applied: Identify Historical and Cultural Background
The next step of the interpretive method is to identify the historical and cultural background of the book being studied as well as the specific passage being studied. In this episode, your host, John Oglesby, takes time to explore why and how ...
Episode 21